
My Love Life

Its been a while... Well, my last post was on 2015 regarding my engagement and no update since .. I promise myself to blog more just to keep me sane and i really hope i can. So here goes, the first post since forever is a midnight rant where i don’t think it’s appropriate for twitter or any other social media cause people don’t really care don’t they. This post is a special dedication to my bestfriend, lover and amazing husband, Arif. Never in my teenage life i imagine ill be married at a young age with a highschool friend. Odd i say. 13 years old me will die if she found out about this. I remember the day i first saw Arif, man was he cute i told myself and in time the whole batch. What can i say. If i like someone I don’t intend to hide it. Silly me, i know. I have a crush on him and through time the fling just went off to the extend that I don’t even recall him on certain events that involves us two. We met again, in 2014 during a mini reunion i hosted at my place and we ki

Tunangan Orang

Hey HO ! Yezza. alhamdulillah. hampir sebulan dah beta menjadi tunangan orang. hoho. Alhamdulillah.  17 October 2015 That's me and that's Arif. hehe. So hey .. apa perasaan jadi tunang orang ni ya? Hmm. Frankly speaking, i felt nothing different bout it. Well maybe i'm starting to get nervous for our big day which is next month. Oh gosh. That quick? Yes. Kata orang, bertunang tak memberi lesen untuk keluar bersama-sama. Guess what... memang tak keluar pon huhu. We're far away from each other and he barely got any network connection. Once a week to be exact. Oh well, personally, for me it's better that way. Takde masa nak bergaduh or bertekak. Langsung takde. Masuk port once a week macam buang masa nak bergaduh. Tak sempat nak berbaik kang ada takde line pulak karang. Haha. Jadinya, syukur. Ada hikmah dan sesungguhnya ketentuan Allah itu baik. huhu. Oh god plot entry sangat berterabur. Haha. Semua benda rasa nak diluahkan but then, why? Haha. Dah

Graduated and getting married

HAHAHA Hello. Oh gosh. It has been ages since my last post. Well i always rant on my twitter and completely forgot about my blog. And again who blog this days? We have twitter, instagram and tumblr and what so ever. OH OH OH back to what this post is about. HEHEHE. I graduaaaaaated. Wohooo. Finally. The four suffering years of life ended. It was a big big relieved. Keputusannya usah ditanya. yang penting lepas. harharhar.Alhamdulillah. Konvokesyen tahun depan dan insyaAllah suami yang akan menemani. hoho. Gedik nak mampus. Oh well. Orang tengah bahagia. Macam ni lah kan gayanya. Hihihi Oh how i miss blogging. I should do this more often. Hope so.


That moment when nothing feels right. *flip tudung* i like you but i'm scared as hell. excited for cambodia but stressed as F. plus my precious gundams hurt so damn bad with tiny missing parts and i'm pissed off. *i cried last night like a mother who lost her kids* okay, bangang tak main emosi macam ni. orang dah cakap, diri tu control la sikit. main redah je haa. sekarang bertubi-tubi pekara ganggu emosi datang. dah takleh nak kawal dah. fine. kalau macam ni permainan dia. kita redha. kita terima. karma kata orang. what you give you get back man. yang benar, manusia tak stabil.

Ramadhan 2014

My last post made me think how selfish I am worrying about useless thing ( my never ever going to happen love story) while my Muslims brothers and sisters are fighting for their life in Palestine, Gaza, Syria and all over the world. Today, back from terawikh I have the leisure of watching movie with my family and lazying on the couch while enjoying keropok lekor. While the others are begging for their life, been fasting not just because of Ramadhan but because they don't have food, been running around hiding from the rockets, missiles and guns and the worst part is THEY ARE JUST CHILDREN. KIDS. Age of 7,8 and 9 and even babies. Kids are losing their parents, man and woman loses their children. Their houses are destroyed. Streets filled with violent Zionists. They have nowhere to hide. It's a torture to watch all those pictures that people kept sharing on twitter and facebook. Those babies have done nothing wrong. They deserve better life. It's painful to watch and trus

Jam 0301

Nak nangis boleh? Kenapa asyik kecewa macam ni? Dah tahu bakal sakit, masih tegar mencari. Dah tahu akan pedih, gatal pergi tengok. Dah tahu hati akan sayu, kenapa pergi taruhkan harapan tinggi..? Dah tahu kan alia? Kenapa diri ini tak pernah sedar? Kenapa diri ini masih lalai? Kenapa perlu pisang berbuah berkali-kali dan kali? Kenapa alia? Kenapa hati ini lembut menyayangi? Kenapa hati ini begitu mudah tersentuh? Kenapa hati ini masih jatuh cinta? Dan kenapa kepada yang takkan pernah sudi? Tidakkah pengalaman lalu mengajar? Tidakkah kesakitan lalu masih membelengu diri? Tidakkah mahu bahagia dan bukan derita? Kenapa alia ? Kenapa? Bertepuk sebelah tangan bukanlah hakikat yang mudah untuk diterima .... Bangun lah . Bangun lah dari mimpi dan angan kosong ini. Bangun lah . Bangun lah dari kesakitan lalu. Sedar diri tu. Siapa lah kita. Siapa lah kita ni alia.....

Dear 'you'

I feel bad for you. I really do.  What's up with the insecurities man ?  What? Don't you trust him?  You know your history yet you tend to repeat it. Is it her faults or your own? Why would you want him to hate her?  She's his friend. We are studiomates.  It's hard not to bump onto each other man. You're freaking lucky she's nice.  Gotta write this somehow somewhere.  Get over it.  Grow up.